lean education

All articles about lean education

Reflecting on a unique partnership
June 4, 2019
Reflecting on a unique partnership

FEATURE – Following the recent CXO Summit in Singapore, a team from the Lean Global Network reflects on the partnership with SIT and its potential effects on the city-state.

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Yes, you can teach lean in engineering schools
May 24, 2022
Yes, you can teach lean in engineering schools

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – The author visits a private engineering school to learn about their approach to teach Lean Thinking and apply it to their own work.

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Better learning in Italian high schools using lean and Scrum
March 28, 2018
Better learning in Italian high schools using lean and Scrum

FEATURE – Is the traditional teaching model used in our schools obsolete? A high school in Italy has been experimenting with lean thinking and Scrum applied to students’ learning, and the results have been enlightening.

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Teaching lean management: current and future state
August 19, 2016
Teaching lean management: current and future state

INTERVIEW – Making lean thinking a bigger part of our university programs and education is the only way to ensure the methodology really comes to permeate our societies. But how can we ensure lean is taught in a way that makes sense?

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Lean minds hard at work
October 9, 2014
Lean minds hard at work

EVENT REVIEW – This year LGN and Ansbach University’s CEPTM co-organized the first European edition of the Lean Educator Conference. Planet Lean attended the event.

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A better way to learn lean
October 8, 2020
A better way to learn lean

INTERVIEW – The Lean Enterprise Academy just launched the Lean Learning Journey, an online platform from which practitioners can pull the practical knowledge they need in their lean transformation.

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Lean and green in a Scottish university
July 16, 2020
Lean and green in a Scottish university

FEATURE – Why do lean and green go hand in hand? In the experience of this university in Edinburgh, they are both about respecting people and thinking holistically.

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What is lean learning?
September 9, 2019
What is lean learning?

FEATURE – How does lean apply to learning? The author reflects on the lean transformation his schools are undergoing and on its practical implications on students, staff and leaders.

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Leveraging tech to improve education
August 13, 2019
Leveraging tech to improve education

INTERVIEW – In a chat with our editor, Priya Lakhani explains how technology can be used to understand a student’s unique learning pathway and design teaching accordingly.

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Teaching A3 skills to medical students
March 26, 2019
Teaching A3 skills to medical students

FEATURE – Problem solving is a fundamental part of being a leader, which is what led this medical school in the United States to include A3 thinking in its curriculum.

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Our universities are not teaching lean, and that's a problem
June 10, 2016
Our universities are not teaching lean, and that's a problem

CALL TO ARMS – Despite the spread of lean principles across the world, only a handful of universities have included the methodology in their programs. This article is a call-to-arms telling us why we have an obligation towards future generations.

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Business school education should be gemba-based
March 27, 2017
Business school education should be gemba-based

WOMACK’S YOKOTEN – Somehow surprisingly, management schools teach very little about management, and when they do all learning is classroom-based. Instead, they should go to the gemba.

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Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
February 4, 2016
Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
INTERVIEW – At the recent UK Lean Summit, we met the Head of Student Services of an English high school. We asked her about the interesting work the school is doing to improve the delivery of education to students with special needs using lean thinki ...Read more

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Education: how lean is taught
October 9, 2014
Education: how lean is taught

INTERVIEW - Planet Lean speaks with Constantin May, Academic Director of the CEPTM institute at Germany’s Ansbach University, which organized the first Lean Educator Conference in Europe in co-operation with LGN.

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Lean for better writing
November 19, 2020
Lean for better writing

FEATURE – Have you ever wondered how lean tools and principles might apply to writing? To inspire you to document your learnings, our editor offers a guide for aspiring writers in our community.

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Transforming our training company
August 3, 2020
Transforming our training company

FEATURE – To lean out a training organization means to both transform its internal processes and integrate Lean Thinking in its educational offering: the story of ZingTrain.

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Lean is an educational system
August 27, 2019
Lean is an educational system

FEATURE – In this compelling read, the author discusses lean thinking as a system for learning that challenges our assumptions and tells us why blindly applying “best practices” takes us nowhere.

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The role of a lean educator
August 8, 2019
The role of a lean educator

FEATURE – What does it really mean to teach lean? The author reflects on this question and shares a few tips on how to successfully engage learners in different environments.

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Lean learning, learning lean
June 13, 2019
Lean learning, learning lean

FEATURE – What can the world of lean and the world of education learn from one another? The author reflects on the synergies between these two realities.

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Lean thinking, better teaching
May 9, 2019
Lean thinking, better teaching

FEATURE – A school board in Holland is discovering the potential of lean thinking and improving its processes to tackle the overburdening of teachers.

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Learning A3 thinking to become a better doctor
April 19, 2019
Learning A3 thinking to become a better doctor

FEATURE – A student in a medical school recently completed a rotation based on A3 thinking. She tells us what learning to use this problem-solving method has brought her.

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Lean thinking in 'Pole' position
October 30, 2018
Lean thinking in 'Pole' position

GETTING TO KNOW US – We continue our series of interviews with Lean Global Network directors with a Q&A with another veteran of the global lean movement, Poland’s Tomasz Koch.

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Please, no more dull learning
September 21, 2018
Please, no more dull learning

FEATURE – The application of lean management to education is not new, but we all know how hard changing legacy systems is. This greenfield lean school aims higher, trying to rethink learning altogether.

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A value stream for people development
August 16, 2018
A value stream for people development

FEATURE – The continuous flow of developing people’s capabilities throughout their studies and careers is lacking, to say the least. It’s time we saw this as one big value chain.

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The school undergoing a lean and digital transformation
June 29, 2018
The school undergoing a lean and digital transformation

CASE STUDY – An elementary school in Budapest is trying to bring innovation to the education by harnessing the power of lean thinking combined with a solid digital strategy.

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Hungary needs lean thinking, we think we can help
May 28, 2018
Hungary needs lean thinking, we think we can help

GETTING TO KNOW US – For our second interview with LGN directors, we travel to Hungary to meet the President of our affiliate institute there. He tells us his country’s need for good workers and how lean can make the difference.

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These university students are replacing theses with A3s
April 20, 2018
These university students are replacing theses with A3s
A3s university Avans

INTERVIEW – In this Dutch university, lean is not only taught in the classroom. A3s are now replacing the writing of a thesis as the final assignment students are asked to complete.

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Teaching lean to secure the future of Singapore healthcare
December 19, 2017
Teaching lean to secure the future of Singapore healthcare

FEATURE – After Singapore Institute of Technology staff was introduced to lean thinking, a course was launched to provide healthcare workers with the lean skills they need to transform their organizations.

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Lean in higher education: improving Macquarie University
May 24, 2017
Lean in higher education: improving Macquarie University

CASE STUDY – An Australian university has been applying lean to streamline and improve its processes, discovering along the way how big a change the methodology can affect in the organization's culture.

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A3 problem solving to develop Ohio’s school leaders
September 16, 2016
A3 problem solving to develop Ohio’s school leaders

INTERVIEW – A program that aims to help disadvantaged school districts in Ohio used A3 thinking to teach principals how to scientifically solve problems together with their teachers. We met a principal and one of her teachers.

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Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
January 1, 1970
Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
INTERVIEW – At the recent UK Lean Summit, we met the Head of Student Services of an English high school. We asked her about the interesting work the school is doing to improve the delivery of education to students with special needs using lean thinki ...Read more

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Lean management in a primary school in Norway
October 8, 2015
Lean management in a primary school in Norway

CASE STUDY - A pioneering school in Rogaland, Norway, is proving that some elements of lean thinking can successfully be adapted to the education system to create better conditions for both teaching and learning.

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Attila Tószegi on running a lean elementary school
June 26, 2014
Attila Tószegi on running a lean elementary school

COLUMN - In the second article of our series, the director of an elementary school in Budapest tells us how using PDCA can help to improve education and provide students with the right skills.

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