Lean people engagement

All articles about Lean people engagement

Lean Management against labor shortages
January 21, 2025
Lean Management against labor shortages

FEATURE – Attracting, developing and retaining talent has become a pressing issue in the corporate world, as new generations show skepticism towards traditional management. Lean is the answer, say the authors.

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When the lean team is the problem
December 15, 2023
When the lean team is the problem

FEATURE – How does the improvement department of a company become a hindrance to the transformation? The author answers this question and discusses how this can be avoided.

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Leadership for everyone
December 12, 2023
Leadership for everyone

FEATURE – If you think one is born a leader, think again. Leadership can be learned and, in this article, the author provides a four-step guide to developing it.

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Serious about strategy
September 29, 2023
Serious about strategy

FEATURE – We are used to approaching strategic thinking as if our organization was in a position of stability and dominance. What if we started to look at it as creating better deals with all parties involved?

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The Crab Method
February 17, 2020
The Crab Method

FEATURE – We hear it time and time again: in a lean transformation, middle management is the biggest hindrance to change. The author explains his strategy to win them over.

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Through hardship to the stars
July 25, 2019
Through hardship to the stars

CASE STUDY – Catalonia’s largest hospital is undergoing a successful transformation – supported by pioneering hoshin experiments – that has already turned it into a poster child for lean healthcare in the region.

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The lean veterinarian
December 11, 2018
The lean veterinarian

INTERVIEW – A 22-people veterinarian hospital in Barcelona has recently turned to lean thinking. We caught up with the owner to learn how things have changed six months into the journey.

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Retaining talent to make a difference
October 17, 2018
Retaining talent to make a difference

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – This French company provides support to the severely disabled, and is currently using lean thinking to limit employee turnover and recruit faster.

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Lean eyes don't lie
November 8, 2022
Lean eyes don't lie

FEATURE – Whether improvement efforts are paying off and people are internalizing a lean way of thinking is a constant worry for many leaders. Here’s a trick to gauge how well – or how poorly – things are going in your transformation.

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Pioneering lean thinking in hotels
January 17, 2019
Pioneering lean thinking in hotels

FEATURE – Dreamplace Hotels in Tenerife have been on an improvement journey for several years, but only recently did they find a way to truly become a learning organization: lean thinking.

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The theory of lean transformation
March 31, 2022
The theory of lean transformation

FEATURE – In this compelling theoretical piece, the author reminds us how in a lean organization relations are structured around learning opportunities rather than execution. This is what ultimately enables a company to grow.

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Remote working at SulAmérica
May 10, 2021
Remote working at SulAmérica

FEATURE – Fourteen months after the beginning of the pandemic, the author reflects on the challenges and opportunities that remote working has brought to this insurance company.

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Anticipating the Covid-19 storm
May 15, 2020
Anticipating the Covid-19 storm

NOTES FROM THE (VIRTUAL) GEMBA – In the last of her series of virtual gemba walks, the author learns how a hospital in the Caribbean island of Martinique relied on Lean Thinking in its fight against the Coronavirus.

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Caught between a rock and a hard place
February 25, 2021
Caught between a rock and a hard place

FEATURE – What is the role of middle managers in a transformation and how can we ensure they can fulfil that role – instead of being blamed for the failure of the initiative and even excluded from it?

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The synergies you need to succeed
July 11, 2019
The synergies you need to succeed

FEATURE – While at Starbucks, the author learned the importance of collaboration among the key functions of Operations, HR and Finance to advance a lean transformation.

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Fighting every single nugget of resistance
March 5, 2019
Fighting every single nugget of resistance

FEATURE – One year into its lean journey, this Lithuanian mining company is winning the hearts and minds of its people. Here, the management team reflects on how they are doing it.

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Kgotla, a foundation for lean thinking
January 3, 2019
Kgotla, a foundation for lean thinking

FEATURE – Is it possible to build our lean transformation efforts on pre-existing cultural aspects we find in our societies? According to the author, it is… and it works really well.

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Can you standardize creative work?
September 19, 2018
Can you standardize creative work?

FEATURE – The belief that standardization kills creativity can be a severe hindrance in a lean transformation. The author discusses how he convinced his team of architects to give standards a try.

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Lean in a building maintenance and renovation company
August 9, 2017
Lean in a building maintenance and renovation company

FEATURE – Visualizing the work, increasing customer focus and changing the way to interact with employees has helped a family-run Dutch building maintenance and renovation firm to transform itself.

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A modern HR department must offer a dynamic work partnership
January 25, 2017
A modern HR department must offer a dynamic work partnership
talent retainment digital revolution

OPINION – The digital revolution has forever changed the nature of employment: today's workers have more choice and employers competing for them than ever before. It's about time our approach to HR reflected that.

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Jim Womack on asking questions rather than providing answers
November 29, 2016
Jim Womack on asking questions rather than providing answers
womack yokoten answer man

WOMACK'S YOKOTEN – As a first instinct, most of us tend to provide answers and solutions rather than ask questions. In this month's Yokoten, Jim Womack provides advice on how to fight this behavior and become a coach.

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Womack on overcoming employee resistance to lean thinking
April 28, 2015
Womack on overcoming employee resistance to lean thinking

WOMACK'S YOKOTEN - Every practitioner has encountered employee resistance to lean at some point. Here's a few tips on how to win over naysayers and perhaps even turn them into some of your biggest supporters.

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Pick the right approach to lean thinking to beat resistance
May 8, 2014
Pick the right approach to lean thinking to beat resistance
managing change lean thinking

FEATURE - We are often told that employee resistance to change is natural, but it’s really just the result of a wrong approach to lean thinking. Learn to effectively engage people and change will follow.

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The relationship between lean change and human nature
February 3, 2017
The relationship between lean change and human nature

RESEARCH – Human behavior tends to make change even harder to attain than it already is. This brilliant research paper looks at change from a psychological, technical and leadership point of view.

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Five lean practitioners answer the same question #4
August 23, 2016
Five lean practitioners answer the same question #4

1 QUESTION, 5 ANSWERS – Without the active participation of people in improvement activities, lean is nothing but theory. Sadly, engaging folks is easier said than done. We asked five lean practitioners to share their approach to people engagement.

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How Iceland firm Marel motivated engineers with a hackathon
August 3, 2016
How Iceland firm Marel motivated engineers with a hackathon

FEATURE – As an experiment to boost cross-functional collaboration, creativity and joy on the workplace, Iceland-based machining manufacturer Marel recently ran a hackathon. Here's what the experience taught them.

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The staff-driven transformation of a children's hospital
March 22, 2016
The staff-driven transformation of a children's hospital

FEATURE - What if it were your staff driving change rather than managers? A focus on improvement at the front line and on people development proved critical to the lean transformation of a Stanford hospital.

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Why few people truly take the lean leap
October 28, 2022
Why few people truly take the lean leap

FEATURE – To wholeheartedly embrace lean means to accept changes in our hearts and minds. Understanding this means to finally grasp the reason why lean is only truly taken up by few.

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Emotions on the gemba
October 4, 2022
Emotions on the gemba

FEATURE – They say lean is all about people, and yet emotions – something we all feel and express daily – are largely absent from the lean discourse. The authors discuss the role they play in a lean transformation.

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The role of HR in a lean transformation
July 6, 2020
The role of HR in a lean transformation

FEATURE – The author outlines the role of HR in a lean transformation and explains why our ability to successfully turn around a business largely depends on activities in which HR participates.

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Lean for remote team management
June 11, 2020
Lean for remote team management

FEATURE – The Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us all that the nature of the work has changed forever. The author discusses remote work and how Lean Thinking can help you make the most of it.

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A 15-year journey of people engagement
January 30, 2020
A 15-year journey of people engagement

CASE STUDY – Here’s the story of a mature lean company from Michigan. The author tells us about Zingerman’s Mail Order’s lean transformation, their challenges and their successes.

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The community and the individual
December 5, 2019
The community and the individual

COLUMN – As individuals, how do we relate to the Lean Community? And what motivates us to stubbornly continue down the improvement path, often against all odds?

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Lean transformation: eight tips from Philips
November 7, 2019
Lean transformation: eight tips from Philips

FEATURE – A few weeks ago, we learned how Philips is leading their lean transformation. In this follow-up article, the authors provide some great tips based on the company’s experience.

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Fancy a cup of lean coffee?
October 28, 2019
Fancy a cup of lean coffee?

FEATURE – What started as the idea of two friends to meet up and discuss their lean journeys turned into a regular get-together of lean practitioners in the Cape Town area. Another example of the importance of sharing.

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A people-centric lean HR strategy
June 20, 2019
A people-centric lean HR strategy

CASE STUDY – This automotive parts supplier based in southwest Spain is discovering the power of lean thinking applied to recruitment and Human Resources.

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The path to a learning organization
June 6, 2019
The path to a learning organization

CASE STUDY – The story of this NGO shows how visualizing the work enables improvement and removes barriers among teams. It is a first, fundamental step towards a lean transformation.

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Industry 4.0 or Lean 4.0?
May 28, 2019
Industry 4.0 or Lean 4.0?

INTERVIEW – Atlantis Foundries was able to achieve zero defects for three months in a row thanks to machine learning. Here’s why the human component can’t be discounted.

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A crazy little thing called change
May 21, 2019
A crazy little thing called change

COLUMN – In her first column, the author reflects on the role of leadership in striking a balance between the enthusiasm for change and the need to involve everyone in a transformation.

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Blue-sky thinking
April 11, 2019
Blue-sky thinking

FEATURE – Successfully engaging people and building a solid daily management system is allowing a Velux factory in Poland to fulfill its strategic goals.

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The hands of many
March 21, 2019
The hands of many

FEATURE – A dedicated pathway and the introduction of lean healthcare principles is bringing people together to provide better care to older, frail people in an Irish hospital group.

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How I learned to treat people like individuals
February 14, 2019
How I learned to treat people like individuals

FEATURE – In this intimate, moving account, the author shares her journey of personal transformation that caused her mindset and her attitude towards employees to dramatically change.

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The formula behind the success of Toyota
January 22, 2019
The formula behind the success of Toyota

INTERVIEW – What is the secret to Toyota’s ability to engage people in continuous improvement? Tracey and Ernie Richardson look back at their time with the company and tell us.

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Taking lean improvement to heart
January 29, 2019
Taking lean improvement to heart

INTERVIEW – This cardiac laboratory in Singapore was targeting one improvement and ended up with something different, but equally impactful for its patient flow.

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The power of our origin story
October 23, 2018
The power of our origin story

PROFILE – Earlier this month, our editor visited the US and sat down with the CEO of a community health center near Boston. His humility and honesty about his lean leadership are striking.

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Good Thinking, Good Products
September 17, 2018
Good Thinking, Good Products

FEATURE – Following a recent visit to Toyota, the authors strive to challenge popular beliefs and shed a light on the underlying philosophy that has made TPS a success for over half a century.

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When front-line employees open the eyes of management
July 9, 2018
When front-line employees open the eyes of management

INTERVIEW – The CEO of a Scottish health board takes us through the organization’s long lean journey, reminding us that allowing people to take the initiative often leads to the most impressive discoveries.

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What happens in our people's minds as lean takes root
May 1, 2014
What happens in our people's minds as lean takes root

COLUMN - What does lean do for people in your organization? This column explores how their way of thinking changes as a culture of continuous improvement and problem solving takes root.

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Three ways to destroy your suggestions system
May 12, 2015
Three ways to destroy your suggestions system

FEATURE – A kaizen suggestion scheme has the ability to unlock the potential of lean change in our organizations, but too often our mistakes kill it before it even has a chance to take off and gain momentum.

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This new column gives a voice to people at the front line
September 9, 2015
This new column gives a voice to people at the front line

COLUMN - Menlo Innovations may not define itself as a "lean organization" but there is no doubt that its management style is akin to the principles lean teaches. Here, a front-line Menlonian shares her thoughts on the company's culture.

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Surviving the economic crisis working with lean healthcare
March 31, 2014
Surviving the economic crisis working with lean healthcare

CASE STUDY - In the past two years, the Consorci Sanitari del Garraf near Barcelona experienced a lean turnaround. The author gives us an overview of the key building blocks of this transformation.

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Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune
January 27, 2015
Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune

VIDEO INTERVIEW – Hierarchical organization, goodbye! Embracing servant leadership and a horizontal reporting structure, Spotify is redefining the idea of company.

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Michael Ballé on rewards and recognition in a lean company
April 3, 2014
Michael Ballé on rewards and recognition in a lean company

FEATURE - The author addresses the ongoing debate on rewards and recognition, explaining how an optimal relationship between team members, team leaders and group leaders will influence motivation.

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How to work with lean thinking and challenging people
July 23, 2015
How to work with lean thinking and challenging people

FEATURE - No matter how hard you try to convince them about lean, some people stay stubborn, aggressive and helpless. So instead of pushing your way onto them, have them pull the appropriate responses from you.

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Employees: the most important part of a lean transformation
September 1, 2014
Employees: the most important part of a lean transformation

CASE STUDY - Through the involvement of front line staff, Hartmann’s production plant near Barcelona is paving the way for an expansion into different markets and inspiring the adoption of lean across the multinational.

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Dealing with resistance? Adopt a flexible stance
August 20, 2015
Dealing with resistance? Adopt a flexible stance
lean resistance beyond kata

ARTICLE – In her second piece for PL, Frances Steinberg returns to the topic of working more effectively with people and the importance of going beyond the structured approach of kata familiar to so many of us.

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Can a company be considered lean if improvements result in layoffs?
January 27, 2014
Can a company be considered lean if improvements result in layoffs?

FEATURE - Can a company be considered lean if its improvement efforts result in layoffs? The author answers this frequently asked question drawing from his own experience dealing with organizations.

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Build trust and enjoyable work to get employee engagement
July 10, 2014
Build trust and enjoyable work to get employee engagement

RESEARCH - Offering us a glimpse into how the human mind works and into Toyota's approach to people engagement, this article tells us how to create a better working environment for our employees.

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Attila Tószegi on running a lean elementary school
June 26, 2014
Attila Tószegi on running a lean elementary school

COLUMN - In the second article of our series, the director of an elementary school in Budapest tells us how using PDCA can help to improve education and provide students with the right skills.

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A different meeting format for better learning
August 4, 2015
A different meeting format for better learning
how lean coffee works

VIDEO – Meetings are critical to create a culture based on teamwork and to establish a learning organization, but their traditional format tends to encourage individual agendas. Not Lean Coffee… 

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