Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Faster delivery, happier customer

Faster delivery, happier customer

Roberto Priolo
April 28, 2023

WEB SERIES – In the fourth and final episode of Season 1 of our docuseries, we visit home improvement and gardening retailer Leroy Merlin and learn about their efforts to lean out their supply chain.

Scripted, edited and narrated by: Roberto Priolo

Supplying 47 stores across a huge country like Brazil in a timely fashion is something of a tall order. Leroy Merlin hope to soon be able to guarantee delivery to customer anywhere in the country within three days and, to get there, it is building on the lean work that's taking place across its supply chain operations. From streamlining operations in their massive Distribution Center to restocking stores more quickly, Leroy Merlin is determined to provide quicker and better service to its customers.

Thank you to Lean Institute Brasil for facilitating this visit.


Roberto Priolo photo
Roberto Priolo is Editor of Planet Lean and Head of Communications at Lean Global Network

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Rising from the ashes thanks to lean thinking
October 15, 2018
Rising from the ashes thanks to lean thinking

FEATURE – This Norwegian company has come back from the brink of bankruptcy by rallying its people around a common set of values, by leaning out its processes and by involving its leadership team.

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Small businesses, big impact
March 14, 2024
Small businesses, big impact

FEATURE – The successful project discussed in this article shows how Lean Thinking can bring huge benefits to small and medium enterprises and paves the way to a new way of looking at lean coaching.

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What does lean management look like in our every-day life?
April 2, 2015
What does lean management look like in our every-day life?

OPINION - If you have ever 5S-ed your daughter’s room or tried to bring one-piece flow to your grocery routine, this article on what lean management looks like in our personal lives is for you.

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Learn about the BBC's improvement initiative Spark
February 1, 2017
Learn about the BBC's improvement initiative Spark

INTERVIEW – The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) has been working with a lean-inspired improvement program that is gradually transforming the culture of the business – one creative idea at a time.

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