Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Faster delivery, happier customer

Faster delivery, happier customer

Roberto Priolo
April 28, 2023

WEB SERIES – In the fourth and final episode of Season 1 of our docuseries, we visit home improvement and gardening retailer Leroy Merlin and learn about their efforts to lean out their supply chain.

Scripted, edited and narrated by: Roberto Priolo

Supplying 47 stores across a huge country like Brazil in a timely fashion is something of a tall order. Leroy Merlin hope to soon be able to guarantee delivery to customer anywhere in the country within three days and, to get there, it is building on the lean work that's taking place across its supply chain operations. From streamlining operations in their massive Distribution Center to restocking stores more quickly, Leroy Merlin is determined to provide quicker and better service to its customers.

Thank you to Lean Institute Brasil for facilitating this visit.


Roberto Priolo photo
Roberto Priolo is Editor of Planet Lean and Head of Communications at Lean Global Network

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Why bother with lean when we're all doomed?
March 16, 2020
Why bother with lean when we're all doomed?

FEATURE – When faced with a crisis, like the current one, it is natural to wonder, “Why bother?”. Yet, this is when we most need a growth mindset and a framework like lean thinking to figure out a way forward.

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How to apply lean principles and lean tools to accounting
June 11, 2015
How to apply lean principles and lean tools to accounting

FEATURE - Every part of an organization can benefit from the adoption of lean principles, but what about accounting? Here are a few useful tips to efficiently close the books at the end of each month.

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Starting out with lean thinking? Refer to the original TPS
December 3, 2015
Starting out with lean thinking? Refer to the original TPS

FEATURE – Starting off a lean journey is no easy feat, and existing models won’t tell you what the next steps are. That’s why you should go back to basics and let the Toyota Production System “house” from the mid-1980s show you the way.

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Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age
May 20, 2014
Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age

FEATURE - Professor Dan Jones looks at the unique challenges the digital age presents the business community with, and explains how lean thinking can help us to effectively address them.

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