Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Visual management in the Finance department of a car dealer

Visual management in the Finance department of a car dealer

Nizar Sherfodien
February 2, 2018

VIDEO - Visualization has an important role to play in creating awareness of the problems and highlighting gaps as a key starting point for improvement, and this Finance Manager does it with dedication.

By: Nizar Sherfodien, Finance Manager, Halfway Ottery - Cape Town, South Africa

By now, many of you will be familiar with the Halfway transformation (PL has been running this series for a few months) and the great results we have achieved here at Ottery and in other dealers.

As the old lean adage goes, you can't improve what you can't measure. Indeed, visualization plays a critical role in our dealership: not only does it help us identify problems, but it also makes visible the performance and quality of office work - which in turn helps us to link the flow across departments. Showing the importance of quality across the process goes a long way towards ensuring we all work with a common goal in mind.

Without visualization, many of the things that are making Halfway Ottery successful - starting with the cash-to-cash model we discussed last month in this article - simply wouldn't be possible.

So, let me show you the visual boards I use.


Dave Brunt photograph

Visual management has become intrinsically linked with lean thinking. Most of us know that we are trying to make normal from abnormal clear - making problems visible. Perhaps at a deeper level, good visual management helps us make more of the management system (and the thinking in it) visible. That’s really important, as it helps us identify the vital few issues, understand how well we are performing against them, and see whether we are closing the gaps we’ve identified. It’s also very important to identify and visualize the next things to work on, embedding PDCA into our way of working.

Dave Brunt, CEO, Lean Enterprise Academy

Have you watched our documentary on their lean transformation yet?

Nizar Sherfodien photograph
Nizar Sherfodien is Finance Manager at Halfway Ottery in Cape Town, South Africa

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A gemba walk at a manufacturer of tablet inspecting machines
April 6, 2017
A gemba walk at a manufacturer of tablet inspecting machines

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – Follow Catherine on another one of her gemba walks around French companies. This time, she visits a manufacturer of inspecting machines near Bordeaux, with a visionary leader and a great story.

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Our universities are not teaching lean, and that's a problem
June 10, 2016
Our universities are not teaching lean, and that's a problem

CALL TO ARMS – Despite the spread of lean principles across the world, only a handful of universities have included the methodology in their programs. This article is a call-to-arms telling us why we have an obligation towards future generations.

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René Aernoudts offers guidelines for lean transformations
April 17, 2014
René Aernoudts offers guidelines for lean transformations

FEATURE - This set of guidelines will help you to understand how to properly structure your lean transformation, keeping into account the entire organization as it tries to embrace and manage change.

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Lean healthcare: improving Emergency Departments in the UK
May 28, 2015
Lean healthcare: improving Emergency Departments in the UK

FEATURE – Introducing initial assessments by senior doctors and bedside diagnostics to improve the efficiency of the Emergency Department: a lean healthcare experiment in England.

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