Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
A CEO shows us the Obeya room in his hospital

A CEO shows us the Obeya room in his hospital

Carlos Frederico Pinto
November 15, 2017

VIDEO - The CEO of a cancer center in Brazil gives us a tour of the their obeya room, taking us through their strategy deployment and explaining how it supports their mission of reducing the burden of cancer.

Gemba guide: Carlos Frederico Pinto, CEO, Instituto de Oncologia do Vale - São José dos Campos, Brazil

Our obeya is something of a "living room" - it constantly evolves as the problems we face change. It is from the "Green Room" that we monitor our performance, track metrics, devise our strategy and then deploy it across the business.

Check out the video below, in which I show you the visual management boards we use and explain how the room works.


Carlos Frederico Pinto photograph
Carlos Frederico Pinto is the CEO of Instituto de Oncologia do Vale, in Brazil

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Start your change project with a concept paper
July 3, 2018
Start your change project with a concept paper

FEATURE – This article offers an exhaustive explanation of how to prepare a Concept Paper and why this is a tool that will help us to succeed in the execution of large change projects.

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A gemba story to study lean thinking in construction
April 27, 2016
A gemba story to study lean thinking in construction

FEATURE – Drawing from his direct experience at the gemba, the author shares what he learned about applying lean thinking to his family’s construction company, and a few useful tips.

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The amazing growth of a chain of lean bakeries in Spain
July 16, 2015
The amazing growth of a chain of lean bakeries in Spain

CASE STUDY – A very lean system that runs like clockwork and constant attention to customer service enable Barcelona-based 365.café to achieve the impossible: supplying 55 bakeries out of a 650-sqm factory.

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Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
February 4, 2016
Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
lean school christleton

INTERVIEW – At the recent UK Lean Summit, we met the Head of Student Services of an English high school. We asked her about the interesting work the school is doing to improve the delivery of education to students with special needs using lean thinking.

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