Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
LEI Polska supports meta products project

LEI Polska supports meta products project

Planet Lean
September 22, 2014

NEWS - LGN's Polish affiliate is taking part in a European project to shed a light onto the development of meta products.

Lean Enterprise Institute Polska announced it is participating in the ProSEco research project, which aims to support the development of a new methodology and new IT solutions for the collaborative design of so-called “meta products”.

Nowadays, the vast amount of data available to anybody at any time has led to the necessity of developing efficient and smart ways to manage and use information. As products supported by services realized through the web, meta products (also known as product-services) offer a great solution to this problem.

But they also require a unique and varied set of skills to develop. From mechanical engineers to automation or IT specialists, several types of professionals must be involved and need to collaborate.

Within the ProSEco Project, which is co-financed by the European Union, LEI Polska’s role is to devise and implement methods, techniques and tools that can improve the efficiency of the development of meta products. 

Stanislaw Plebanek is responsible for the institute’s participation in the project. He said: “The R&D team at LEI Polska identifies and explores areas where lean is a novelty. Meta products are one such area. By taking part in the ProSEco project, we expect to develop tools and methods that will help tackling the problems that meta-product development presents companies with, for example global team distribution or communicating problems between product and software development.”

ProSEco involves 14 partners from across Europe, including Volkswagen, Electrolux, Desma and the University of Salford. More info here ({jcomments off}

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