Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Lean Institute Turkey promotes lean in Russia

Lean Institute Turkey promotes lean in Russia

Planet Lean
December 12, 2014
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NEWS - By offering tours of best-in-class companies and bespoke training to MBA students from Moscow State University's Business School, LGN's Turkish affiliate is helping to spread lean thinking in Russia.

Words: Planet Lean

Lean Institute Turkey (LIT) is helping lean thinking to spread in the Russian Federation by offering two groups of students of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School tours of Turkish best-in-class companies.

The students, who work for United Metallurgical Company (OMK, one of Russia’s largest producers of steel products), recently graduated from their MBA in Production Systems at the Moscow institution, which ranked among the best business schools in Eastern Europe in a 2011 Eduniversal research.

The MBA program is designed for managers and specialists who choose a career in manufacturing management and services and wish to strengthen their professional profile by investigating modern management tools and learning how to optimize manufacturing processes and operations in their organizations. As part of the program, they are given a chance to learn from successful international and Russian companies, which also helps them to expand their network of professional contacts.

The Study Mission Turkey, organized by LIT, was one of the modules of the program, offering students the unique opportunity to visit best practice companies and meet other lean practitioners. Additionally, the Study Mission included training sessions specifically designed to meet the students’ needs and very effective Q&A sessions with lean practitioners and leaders.

Vyacheslav Boltrukevich, Program Director of the MBA-PS at Lomonosov MSU Business School, said: “The School appreciated the opportunity to work with Lean Institute Turkey, with which we share a common goal: to make this world a better place to live.”

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